Marcus Larry Watkins 20 Years 6 months and 26 day old January 14, 1985 to August 9, 2005
Marcus Larry Watkins, was a kind hearted young man and a “momma’s boy”. He called me everyday. He was my second child. He was happy when I had his sister Shayla, because he became a “big brother”. This was a title he fulfilled to the fullest. Marcus was a loving and kind person that took in the homeless, fed the hungry and literally gave individuals clothes off his back. When his nephew Javarius E. Watkins, was born on June 8, 2003, he was filled with joy again. Javarius called him “Guncle” and he fulfilled that position to the fullest. His big brother Tollie Watkins, was his best friend and was there with him when he was murdered. Marcus enjoyed spending time with his big brother Tollie and first cousin Robert L. Smith, III. Marcus’ nickname was “Meezy” and “Lil Meezy”. Marcus was baptized and dedicated his life to the Lord at an early age. We’re still crying for you. Love mom Sheila Watkins, big brother Tollie Watkins, sister Shayla Williams-Reynold, nephew Javarius Watkins and niece Maya Smith-Williams.
Marcus touched many lives during his short stay on this earth; it is amazing to think that a 20 year old could have done so much regarding God’s message to “let the stranger in,” “feed the hungry” and “cloth the naked.” Marcus’ apartment was a safe haven where young men knew they could spend the night if they had no place else to go or could get something to eat if they were hungry, even if it was as simple as a bowl of “Ramen Noodles.” At 6 years of age, Marcus was carrying on intelligent conversations with the Principal of Washington Elementary School in Olathe, Kansas, regarding the beauty of Alaska and all there was to do like fishing and hunting around Anchorage. Marcus was wise beyond his years, his ability to repair things was amazing and he always wanted to make sure that the “girls,” Shayla, Erica and Talisha could “take care of themselves.” We loved you Marcus; but, God loved you more and needed you with Him on the other shore. We know that we now have a special angel in Heaven looking over us all. Love, Grandma, Eleanor Williams.
Marcus was much loved and has left a void in the hearts of many… Forever gone, forever missed. But, never forgotten.Love always, Aunt Kaye Smith and family.
Marcus is now our guardian angel since he went home with the Lord on August 9, 2005, watching over his mom Sheila, brother Tollie, sister Shayla, nephew Javarius, niece Maya, grandma Eleanor, Aunts: V. Kaye Smith, Dana Robinson: Uncles: Rodrick, Darryl Sr., Randy, Kenneth Sr. Williams; First Cousins: Janae, Regena, Darryl Jr., Kenneth Jr., Deonsai, Jelani, Erica, Talisha, Kaliyah and Kaylahn Williams, Zakiya Oates, Shawanna Jackson, Robert Smith, III, Bijai and Bria Jones, Kiera, Kierhon Wiley, Great cousins Sariya Jackson, Romero Oates, Jianna Williams-Arenas and a host of relatives and true friends.
In Loving Memory of Your first cousin/god brother Robert London Smith, III aka Lil' Robert to Aunt Sheila joined you in heaven. sunrise 8/2/81 and sunset 8/3/08.