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Guest Book
Thank you for stopping by Kaylin's site. Please let us know you stopped by. I hope you got to see how wonderful Kaylin was.
Mikki June 7, 2024
Thinking of you, Wilma
Kaylin was the Wilma to my Betty.
I still hear her voice and see her face in my memory and I still miss her, everyday. 
I still google her name from time to time .. almost to see if she has posted something new or if something new has been written about her. I had a dream that she was alive and she just showed up like nothing happened.. went back to her old room at Kim, Doug and Jared's house in Agoura.. i told her that I have been sad for 16 years and asked her how she could do something like that to us. God. I wish she was still here. 

I wish I could see the inspiring woman that she would have grown to be.
she's my guardian angel and one day we'll meet again but until then .. I love  you forever, Kaylino.

Christina (Kitten) June 21, 2014
Miss u

I know you are watching over me from heaven. I miss you so much and think of you often. You had such a kind heart and were a good friend. I miss your smile and kind words. You had a heart of gold.


Melanie April 6, 2011
Wow Kaylin,
Your mama has made a beautiful memorial to your life! You were such a beautiful happy and full of life. I know you are with our loving Father and you are in such a better place than this mean and cruel world. We will see you again sweet girl...and all will be right! I thank God for the time he blessed us with your presence...
Love you baby girl!
Melanie, Thad, Cailtyn and Drew
Debbe Case April 17, 2010
Beautiful Memory of Kaylin &loving mom

This is really truly amazing what you have done with Kaylin's pagee.  I thought I went to a different page to light a candle.  I know that our daughters are watch over us all, and the sons of our parents too on FDLFD site.  Is sadly is indeed an unfortunate way to meet, but we know our children are with the Father and the Son in Heaven, with all of our children.  I'm so sorry taht the case went as it did.


I pray for your strength, and understand when it's difficult.  I feel the same.  Much love to you Kim, and again, you've made a wonderful tribute to your beatuiful daughter, Kaylin.

xoxo, Debbe

Anna del rio November 27, 2009
Hi, I'm a mother of a murder daugther and work with others for victim rights. Some of the groups I 'm volunteer for are, justice for murdered children, justice for homicide victims, crime stoppers just to name a few. We also do billboard to 'stop the killing' and indivual 24 x 34 posters of victims& law enforcements who have been murdered.I would like to do a single poster of your daugter. Please call or email. Anna del rio 323 255 3079 My murder daugter wesite
Sheila Williams November 17, 2009
Mother of Murdered son Marcus L. Watkins
image Dear Kaylin,  I was so happy that I clicked  on your mom's website that she made in your memory.  I made one  for my baby boy Marcus Larry Watkins that up in heaven with you.  Now I need to figure out how to add some of the other things that Mom has on your site because she did such a beautiful job for you Kaylin her beautiful daughter.

Michele Hooper July 26, 2009

 This was so beautiful! What a special page for you Kaylin Marie that your mom has putt together for you. What a lovely young lady you where and still are in the hearts of all who loved you. My Daughters name was Katty (Katie) Marie and if you run in to her in heaven please tell her, her mommy loves and misses her too.  This was wounderful Kim and full of Love.

Sweet Dreams Kaylin.

Michele, Kattys, Mom

Mary Jo July 2, 2009


I took some time and read the beautiful site that your Mom created for you and I also read your poems.

You are an old soul and I know that at this moment you are surrounded by the love and light of God and wrapped in the arms of the angels.

Bless you sweetie and keep sending your Mom signs!


Gerrick's mom, Diane March 22, 2009
In loving memory of Kaylin

Kaylin, what a beautiful memorial of you.

I send my love to you angel, to your mom and family too.

Guide them today in your own special way.

Help them get through with sweet memories of YOU.

From:Diane Davies~mother of Gerrick Davies


Kathy Gilman March 16, 2009

Hi Kaylin

Just wanted to stop by to say hello.


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