Kaylin Marie Mathews was born on Tuesday, March 1, 1988 in Borger Texas. It rained the day that she was born. The angels cried the day they had to give her to me. Kaylin is named after her grandmothers. My mom's middle name is Kay. Her biological dad's mom is named Carolyn. We put the Kay and the lyn together and changed the spelling. Her name is said together sounding like "Kaylun." My grandmother's middle name is Marie and one of her biological grandmother's middle name was also Marie. Kaylin was born with a head full of hair. It was a frosted mix of red, blonde, and brown. One of the nurse's actually brought her beautician to the hospital to see it. :) Kaylin was such an easy happy baby. She slept through the night early and when she woke up most mornings it was jabbering to her mobile. When I would hear her and walk into her room she would smile so big her entire body wiggled. When she was older we would put her in a walker while I fixed dinner. She would run up and down the hall in that walker. She began picking it up by the sides and running with it, but when we would take her out she would sit down. As a toddler she would sing a lot. She always liked to sing songs and she made most of them up. I remember a song she sang to me and her Nanny about pizza. Kaylin was a Nanny and Poppy's girl. She had them wrapped around every finger on both hands. When she was 4 she knew their phone number and would get up early on Saturday and call them and tell my dad that she didn't have any donuts. I would hear a knock and wonder who was coming over so early and it would be my dad with donuts. He would drive 30 miles round trip to bring her that donut. My mom referred to her as her "little lamb" and as the grandkids came she had more lambs. Kaylin learned Bible versus when she was 3. We would laugh listening to her saying "A mewwy hawt is wike a medicine, but a bwoken spiwit dwieth the bones" with heavy emphasis on "dwieth". Kaylin laughed and sang a lot. Most trips into town were with her holding one of my hands and us singing silly songs. She really liked a good long "this is the song that never ends." We could make it last 15 miles. Kaylin was an amazing girl. I am so blessed that God allowed me the honor of being her mama.