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Written by KaylinPoems in memory of K...Kaylin's Angel Frien...Friends Don't Let Fr...Guest BookImpact Statements an...
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bethany bashor
I miss you kayke you were the best cousin ever, i know your in a better place now though. sincerely, bethany, kaylins cousin
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Our Angels are the first thought in our minds in the morning and the last one before we go to bed, for we miss them all day.Peace
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God's Angels and Saints always stay close to you and comfort you with the upmost love, peace, joy, and glory. We miss you.
Margaret Buonpane
Wishing you a very Happy Valentine's Day!!!
♥ Family of Lisa Maas ♥
Valentine wishes from r fam 2 urs knowing part of r ♥'s are in heaven with r Angels ♥
Happy Heavenly Valentine's Day my precious girl. I miss you so much. I know how excited you would be today. I love you baby.
Randi-Mark's Mom
Have a wonderful Valentine's Day sweet angel Kaylin.
dragan's dad
Goodnight angel sweetly sleep. God Bless your family down here.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May this candle bring you only the everlasting love, joyous peace, glorious peace today and along your heavenly journey. Miss you
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God always have our journeys parallel to our children in Heaven and keep them close to us for eternity. Glorious journey Angel
Kay Bear, the response has been amazing. I am glad your memory is being honored. I miss u. Can u see it? Operation Kay Bear.
Julia and Miguel Campos
They maybe gone but they will never be forgotten. As long as we love them they live on forever.
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