I will light a candle for you and all the other children that have passed on this day. Know you all will be surrounded in prayer.
03/01/2016 dragan's dad
Lighting a candle for you for your birthday and praying for your family and friends.
02/27/2016 dragan's dad
Some how,we will continue to get our way through each day,continue to give your loved ones strength and peace.God Bless.
01/20/2016 Margaret Buonpane
Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved, still missed and very dear
01/01/2016 dragan's dad
Have a blessed New year in Heaven, joy,hope & peace to your family
12/25/2015 dragan's dad
Merry Christmas Angel! Thinking of your loved ones for Christmas.. Much love and respect to you all...
12/05/2015 dragan's dad
Saying goodbye isn’t the hard part, it’s what we leave behind that’s tough. Candle in honor of you Angel.
11/08/2015 dragan's dad
The time may come and go but a parentr's heart never forgets.One day we will see our childern again!
09/25/2015 dragan's dad
Today,National Day of remembrance for murdered victims,I prayed silent prayer
with a candlelight in their memory and honor.
08/15/2015 dragan's dad
Today Christians celebrate the Assumption of Virgin Mary into Heaven, with this candle we mention our childern.She is a Mother and understands us parents.
08/02/2015 dragan's dad
Time has made us cry less, but the pain is never over. The light of your memory can never be extinguished in our heart.
07/10/2015 Margaret Buonpane
Stopping by to say that I'm thinking of you always!!!